Elektrėnai Tourism Information Center

Pedestrian march "On the paths of the freedom fighters of Beizioni" | Monkey | Free


Walking tour "On the paths of the freedom fighters of Beizioni"

Walking distance: 24 km; 3 stops, 6 toilets, 7 water refills, 4 snacks, military porridge at the finish, entertainment.
Registration for a long track
show registration at the Beizioni cultural club (Bažnyčios 8): from 10 a.m. Start - 11 a.m.
Hiking distance: 7 km (suitable for wheelchairs) 1 stop, 1 toilet, military porridge at the finish, entertainment.
Registration for the short course
-show registration at the Beizioni cultural club (Bažnyčios 8): from 12:00 p.m. Start - 13:00

Finish - Beizioni Mound (shooting range and event venue of the twelfth Beizioni Rifle Squad).

One of the smallest municipalities in Lithuania in terms of population, it is very rich in beautiful nature and the history of freedom fighters. During the walk, we will see some of the cultural heritage objects of the Beizioni borough, as if we are following the historical fragments of our land, we will pay tribute to the fighters for Lithuania and freedom in Beizioni.

While traveling we will visit: Beizioni Manor (installation exhibition in the basement of Beizioni Manor), Beizioni St. The Church of the Exaltation of the Cross and the cross, the Cross of the Archers monument in Žikarony, the Pajurgiški stone - a natural monument, the Pajurgiški burial mound, the Liaukiškii alka hill (called the Chapel), the grave of Beižioni Manor lady Kornelijas Tanskaitė Astrauskienė, the Eitulioni burial mound, the Eitulioni Alka, head. Slaughterhouses, Eitulioni cemetery (German soldiers were buried in 1914), Beizioni mound (or Birutė hill), Beižioni burial ground,

Project partners: Elektrėnai LDK Algirdas 1st Rifle Company, Elektrėnai Municipality Public Health Office, LRK Elektrėnai Department, Elektrėnai Tourism Information Center, Elektrėnai Municipality Administration Kietaviškii Eldership, Jagėlonii Library, Beizioni Library - ESVB, Community "Kietaviškieiės", Community "Beižioniečiai" , Valdas Stambrauskas

The event is financed by the Municipality of Elektrėnai

Sponsors of the event: PTuras, Elektrėnai municipal administration Beižioni precinct

Information sponsor of the event: UAB "Elektrėnų žinios"