Beloved by children and parents, Kakė Makė, by far the most famous of the wonderful book stories, invites you to experience a new adventure - presents the most anticipated Lithuanian animated film for the whole family "Kakė Makė: MY MOVIE". It doesn't matter whether you have a whole collection of Kakee Makee books at home or you've only read one, a 5-year-old girl's power to create and control a giant universe of imagination will impress both young and old.
Designed for the whole family, these six adventures are full of humor, pranks and valuable lessons. Kaka's adventures, which began at home, will soon expand and grow into different corners of her magical world, where she will meet her imaginary friends monsters, pirates, a fairy prince, a strangely cheerful witch, travel to the Tooth Fairy's feast, look for runaway ears, celebrate her dream birthday and... meet your new pet! From the first moments of the film, the audience will be surprised by the fact that Kakė Makė creates the film herself: she narrates her daily adventures, introduces the characters and reveals the names of her parents for the first time. Based on the books of the writer Lina Žutautė, the full-length animated film "Kakė Makė: MY FILM" was voiced by famous actors and performers: Giedrius Savickas, Ineta Stasiulytė, Džiugas Siaurusaitis, Vaidotas Valiukevičius and others.
- Director: Meinardas Valkevičius
- The film is dubbed in Lithuanian, without subtitles.
- Trailer:
- Genre: Animation
- In cinemas from: 2023-04-21
- Duration: 1h 15 min
- Ticket price: €5
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