There is a tradition to organize an annual "Day of Action" for the youth in Elektrėnai municipality. This day participants compete with each other to propose the best idea that would enliven the lives of young people in this municipality. The winners have financial and other assistance from the Elektrėnai municipality administration. In 2019 the team from Elektrėnai "Versmės" gymnasium received the most votes. Their idea ,,Where did I see this?" aims to create a work of art dedicated to preserve the symbols of their town which are no longer in Elektrėnai. This sculpture covers the chimneys of the power plant, the ,,Devil's Wheel" (Ferris wheel) of the former amusement park and the diving platform. The sculpture also commemorates the names of the flooded villages and the anniversary year 2020, which is the 60th birthday of Elektrėnai town. The metal parts of the sculpture were forged by blacksmith Martynas Breikštas.
