Elektrėnai Tourism Information Center

We invite you to a creative personal fragrance workshop at the Elektrėnai Culture Center.

We invite you to the creative workshop of personal scents at the Elektrėnai cultural center on December 16. 4 p.m. During the workshop, we will get to know individual 100 percent. with natural scents, we will explore them and then create our own individual scent. It's a quiet, but fun and educational activity! Every workshop participant takes home:
- 10 ml. a bottle of oil perfume of his own creation and a formula of his own unique scent.
- The workshop will last about 2-3 hours. They do not require any special knowledge or skills.
- Normal price of the workshop: 30 EUR, but for those who register before December 6, we will apply even 25%. discount, the workshop will cost only 23 EUR!

Don't miss your chance to buy cheaper, REGISTER NOW: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSe7F3ocY.../viewform
PS - you can also register at the cash desk of the cultural center!


